So what can you do to maintain and improve your bone health for longevity? What’s the best way to cut out potential joint problems and maintain flexibility and strength at any age and into old age? How can you eat healthily while on the go? Perhaps you’re feeling stuck in style-rut and in need of a body confidence boost?

We know women have so many questions when it comes to healthy, nutrition, and how we look and feel, which is why WPPC is proud to bring together evidence-based and well-researched answers in an evening of ‘me-time’.

From 6- 7.30pm Tuesday April 19, please join expert speakers, Head of Practice and Chartered Physiotherapist Clare Fone, nutritionist Natalia Traxel and personal stylist and image and colour consultant Sarah Gillmore.

Among a packed agenda, check out the latest:

—Functional exercises to keep us going well into our old age and the importance of breath;

—Ways to enjoy food without it becoming too complicated to prepare and time consuming, and take away some excellent, simple recipes;

—Benefits of personal styling and ideas for a “new you”.

Held at the Westminster Physiotherapy and Pilates Centre, 9 Lower Grosvenor Place, SW1W 0EN at 6- 7.30pm Tuesday April 19.

Places cost £35/ person.

Open to all ages.

Please call to book: 020  7834 3700

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