Respiratory Physiotherapy

Our respiratory service is run by a highly specialised physiotherapist who has extensive experience both working and teaching in London’s top hospitals and universities.

Respiratory Physiotherapy Victoria

We pride ourselves on our approach to respiratory care. Our holistic assessment and dedicated treatment will address all aspects of health and lifestyle. We aim to work with you to achieve your goals, whether they be to increase exercise capability, manage and reduce symptom burden, or increase disease understanding.

We treat a wide range of respiratory symptoms and conditions, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Breathlessness
  • Sputum retention
  • Chronic cough
  • COPD
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Asthma
  • Long Covid
  • Interstitial Lung Disease
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Post Hospital Stay
  • Breathing pattern disorder

We offer the following Treatments and Reviews:

  • Breathlessness management
  • Chest clearance
  • Inhaler reviews
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation Classes
  • Oxygen review & support
  • Chest infection management & support
  • Smoking cessation

What to Expect at your Initial Consultation:

Our comprehensive assessment allows us to establish your goals and tailor your treatment.

An initial assessment will address:

  • Current respiratory concerns
  • Past medical history
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Triggers and causes
  • Your goals
  • Respiratory testing (auscultation, oximetry, spirometry)
  • Exercise capacity testing
  • BMI and Blood pressure testing
  • Breathing pattern review
  • Inhaler review (including technique)

Following the assessment, we will discuss the findings, and review treatment options that will be tailored to your needs. We work closely with highly respected GPs and Respiratory Consultants to ensure continuous quality care and will arrange appropriate referrals if necessary.

We offer face-to-face and virtual options for our clinics and classes. We also offer home visits within Victoria and surrounding areas.

To book, please call us on 02078343700 or email

Pulmonary rehab

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Classes:

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is highly researched and has been proven to enhance the quality of life in those living with respiratory conditions.

These educational exercise classes aim to increase exercise tolerance to make day-to-day tasks easier. All exercises are adapted to your current exercise level and can be progressed with your goals in mind. We also impart education and lifestyle advice on how best to manage your condition, monitor your symptoms and recognise when treatment may be needed. Our aim is to create a supportive environment where you can discuss your concerns with our physiotherapist and other class attendees.

You can attend these classes at our clinic in Victoria or join remotely.

To book, please call us on 02078343700 or email