Physical Health

We are great motivators and supporters.
This is key – because we believe you play an active part in your own rehabilitation.

WPPC is a physiotherapy, health and fitness centre of excellence. Chartered Physiotherapists are the experts in physical activity management. We treat holistically, functionally and bring in life coaching skills to improve your whole health and wellbeing.

We believe that the way to resolve and alleviate your pain symptom is best found by non-invasive treatment, exercise and possibly lifestyle change. Our bodies are amazing structures and recover quickly if we look after them.

So, we want to help you become physically strong and agile, and to understand how to avoid further painful incidents.

In a world full of ‘ noise’ ‘fake news’ in the health industry, we can guide you in all your health and wellbeing needs with evidence based advice and referral on to qualified health professionals.

Many of our Chartered Physiotherapists are Health and Wellbeing Specialists.