Tuesday May 29th 6-7.30pm
Clare Fone MCSP,HCPC, Cert. Health Ed, owner of The Westminster Physiotherapy and Pilates Centre will lead an evening of up to date, evidence based information on bone health and how to achieve longevity into old age, how the mind and body work together to influence each other, you will be taught the latest flexibility exercises and how to stand/walk and sit properly.
Helen Stracey, a leading dietician will impart evidence based info on finding the balance and understanding with food health, dispel some myths and faddisms, talk about key nutrients, and how food affects mood.
Andy Cottam, a clinical psychologist will talk about the emotional stresses experienced by women today and what can be done about emotional distress.
This should be an exceedingly informative and fun evening, given by experts in their respec-tive fields.
To be held at The Westminster Physiotherapy and Pilates Centre,
9 Lower Grosvenor Place
Booking via Victoria BID Privilege Card